Our clones support the following brands:

We can help your business reduce unnecessary labor:
Running between the kitchen and customer tables
Transporting food from the packing area to take-out counter
Returning dirty dishes to the dish washer
Restocking and reshelving unwanted items in retail stores
Distributing items in senior care centers
Deliver drinks at a cocktail parties in cruise mode
And countless other scenarios
Personality Highlights
I don’t complain
No co-worker drama
I don’t fight for tips
Never late, never sick
Work hard, talk less
No phone to be distracted by
I never steal
Don’t require company meals
I won’t ask for a raise
I don’t need to fill an I-9
I can carry 16 plates at once
I have excellent balance; I don’t spill
Agile but cautious; safe movements and no collisions
Cute and cuddly
Great with kids
Social media star; enjoy selfie requests

More Orders

Higher Efficiency

Intelligent Multi-function